Tomato Pulp
The product is derived from fresh, sound, ripe Tomato fruits (Lycopersiconesculentum) obtained by a mechanical process, practically free from any objectionable factor affecting the quality of the fruit. The product is prepared by thermal treatment to render it “commercially sterile “and completely free from any additives and any pathogenic microorganism and any other hazard.

Organoleptical, physical and chemical analysis:
Appearance : | Uniform, homogeneous smooth, thick consistency, free from fibers and any foreign and extraneous matter. |
Aroma & flavour : | Characteristic prominent, well-expressed aroma of natural ripe Tomato and free from any offensive flavour. |
Taste : | Characteristic of natural ripe tomato. Free from any objectionable off taste and after taste. |
TSS : | 16° - 18° Brix |
Colour : | Blood Red |
Acidity : | 1.00 ± 0.50 (As % anhydrous citric acid W/W) |
pH at 20 ℃: | 3.60 - 4.50 |
Consistency : | 5.0 - 9.0 Cm / 30sec at 12⁰ Brix [Bostwick at 20 ⁰C] |
Black & Brown specks : | ≤ 05 no per 10 Gms |
Total Plate Count : | < 30 CFU per gram |
Yeast and Mold : | < 10 CFU per gram |
E.Coli & Coliform : | Absent |
TAB : | Absent |
Howard Mold count : | 50% Max of the field |
Product is aseptically packed in pre-sterilized high barrier aseptic bags (228 ±2 Kgs), which are, placed in a 300-gauge polythene bag in M.S drums with a thermocol pad below the lid.
80 drums per 20 ft. container palletized or unpalletized
18 Months storage at room temperature and 24 Months storage at 4- 8 °C from the date of production.
AIJN Code of practice – Reference Guide for Tomato; Rev: Jan 2016.