Green Mango Pulp
The product derived from fully sound, matured, fresh green unripened Totapuri Mango fruits (Mangifera Indica L Anacardiacae VAR Totapuri), washed, heat-treated, deseeded, refined, homogenized, thermally processed and packed in aseptic bags to render it “commercially sterile “and completely retaining the organoleptic quality of Totapuri Mango.

Organoleptical, physical and chemical analysis:
Appearance : | Uniform, homogenous, smooth, free from blemish, any other foreign and extraneous matter |
Aroma & flavour : | Characteristic prominent aroma of green un-ripen Totapuri Mango. |
Taste : | Characteristic typical green Totapuri Mango fruit |
TSS : | Min 9° Brix |
Colour : | Half White |
Acidity : | < 2.0 (As % anhydrous citric acid W/W) |
pH at 20 ℃: | 2.5 – 3.5 |
Consistency : | NA |
Black & Brown specks : | < 3 no per 10 Gms / < 5 no per 10 Gms |
Total Plate Count : | < 10 CFU per gram |
Yeast and Mold : | < 10 CFU per gram |
E.Coli & Coliform : | Absent |
TAB : | Absent |
"Commercially sterile", free from bacillus, osmophilic yeast, coliform and any other pathogenic microorganism and fit for human consumption. Product is free from added sugar, dyestuff, synthetic flavour, stabilizers, pesticidal & herbicidal residues and radioactive contamination.
Product is aseptically packed in pre-sterilized high barrier aseptic bags (215 ±2 kgs) , which are, placed in a 300-gauge polythene bag in M.S drums with a thermocol pad below the lid.
80 drums per 20 ft. container palletized or unpalletized
18 Months at < 25°C temperature.
AIJN Code of practice – Reference Guide for Mango ; Rev: Jan 2016.